Student council

Student Council

Each spring, the Student Council is formed through an election process that closely mirrors that which is followed in Canadian government. Each student casts a ballot for the individual in his/her “riding” that represents the party of his/her choice. Ridings are designed by grade level, and students vote for candidates in their grade. Voting in the election takes place after a campaign period and is voluntary and takes place during the lunch hour. Turn-out exceeds 80%.

The Council constitutes the structure through which all social activities and related student events are debated and decided. Council goals are: to represent the student body to school government in all aspects of student life – academics, sports, arts special events; to promote school spirit and a positive school environment; to respond to the concerns and support the activities of the students; to initiate programs and provide direction; and to clearly identify the school as a vibrant part of the Jewish community through leadership and participation.

What makes the Bialik Student Council unique is that the process closely follows the procedures of Elections Canada, with voting stations, polling booths and the upholding of confidentiality. There are now three parties to choose from: The Expansion Party, The Progressive Party, and The Union Party. Based on student population, there are 22 “ridings.”