JPPS Home and School

Dear JPPS Families,


Home and School is committed to enhancing the daily lives of each and every child at JPPS. But we need you!  Please take a moment to read our list of committees and feel free to drop us a line with your interest in any of these committees or simply with new ideas and suggestions for services and fundraisers.

Book Sale: Helping with the packing and distribution of book orders within the first few days of school.  

Hot lunch: Being in the lunchroom, from 11:35-1:30, helping to distribute lunches. **added bonus- you get to see your kids during the school day**

Chocolate bar sale (fundraiser): Working with our supplier, distributing chocolates, marketing the sale, following up with prizes and collection. This is a 4 week commitment of being in the school. 

Chanukah party (Jr &Sr.): Day and/or evening meetings, complete tasks at your convenience , being present at the event in December

Holidays & Festivals: Ordering snacks by phone /email, supervising distribution

Used uniforms: Set-up and aid in sale, organize our permanent  “store”

Challah program: Order by phone, distribution on Fridays

Class photos: Work with the photographer, organize the day, collection of orders

Mentor mom: Mentor a new family in the school and deliver a gift to them prior to start of school

*Chesed Committee: A helping hand for our families as needed

Other: Career day, new fund raisers and more!


We need you, and any ideas you have for fundraising or services.

Would love to hear from you!

Visit us on Facebook:



Andrea Schwartz                                                                                         Beth Tannenbaum-Wise

                                       Co-Presidents -JPPS Home and School Association                                    






The Home and school Chesed committee is based on the notion of supporting and caring for our JPPS community in times of need. Our goal is to provide a helping hand whenever possible.  Some of our services include:

  • a shiva meal
  • a gift for a hospitalized child
  • family meals for parents who are ill or incapacitated
  • aiding with carpools
  • a Shabbat meal or a gift for those experiencing the joy of a new baby

Please do not hesitate to reach out to Noga Yifrach Stav or Beth Tannenbaum if you need assistance.

We would love some help. All those interested in joining this committee, please let us know.

Thank you for supporting your JPPS family,

Noga and Beth 


Home & School Hub

(What we are currently working on!)


Thanks to the generosity of our JPPS-Bialik families, we sold over 90 dozen soufganiot to contribute to the Jesse Galganov Fund.